Dog Bite Attorney in Douglasville, GA

When you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog bite or other animal attack, seeking the advice of an attorney may not come to mind. Instead, you are focused on the safety, well-being, and medical needs of the victim. Animal bites can cause a lot of damage. The victim of such an attack deserves fair compensation for the required medical treatment, as well as any trauma or suffering they may experience. Finding an attorney who is knowledgeable and can represent you or your loved one in such a situation is important. The experienced dog bite attorneys at the law firm of Sherrod & Bernard, P.C., are ready to help you recover the compensation you deserve for your dog bite injuries.
It is essential for any dog bite victim to realize that the breed of the dog may not matter when a dog has bitten someone and caused an injury. While many people associate “a dangerous dog” with specific breeds, such as Pit Bulls and Rottweilers, it is imperative to note that truly any breed can be considered dangerous. The breed of the dog is less important than many other factors such as experiences of the dog as a puppy, socialization, and training.
What Should You Do If You Are Injured By A Dog in Douglasville, Georgia?
Dogs may be man’s best friend, but unfortunately, that does not mean that they are incapable of inflicting harm. Each year, many people wind up in emergency rooms with serious injuries because of a dog attack. Bites are not the only injury a dog can cause. Large dogs can jump and knock people over, possibly resulting in traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). If you have suffered any type of injury caused by someone else’s dog, you should contact a dog bite attorney serving Douglasville, GA, right away. A personal injury lawyer can protect your legal rights and help you recover compensation for your injuries.
Gather Important Information
As soon as possible after the dog attack, you should write down any information that can help your personal injury lawyer file a claim on your behalf. This includes the name and contact information of the owner and the individual who had custody of the dog at the time of the attack (such as a dog walker). If there are any witnesses, write down their names and contact information. If there is no one in the area during the incident, make a note of the location of the incident and the physical description of the dog, including whether it was wearing a collar. Additionally, use your cellphone to take pictures of your injuries.
Get Medical Care
See a healthcare provider right away, even if your injuries do not appear to be too serious. Dog bites can easily transmit infections. Additionally, obtaining medical care is a way of documenting your injuries for the claim that your dog bite lawyer may file. Inform the doctor that you were a victim of a dog attack. Be sure to save all of the receipts for medical treatment, pharmaceutical costs, and other expenses related to the dog attack.
Exercising Your Right to File a Complaint
After you obtain medical treatment, you can contact a personal injury attorney to discuss the incident. The lawyer can help you understand applicable state and local laws. He or she will explain your legal options, which may include filing a lawsuit. Since there is a statute of limitations on personal injury claims, it is best to file a complaint promptly. This statute of limitations is two years. If you do not file your lawsuit before that time expires, you will not be able to have your lawsuit heard in court.
Report the Incident
Contact the animal control department for your city or county and report the attack. The animal control officers will investigate the incident and try to identify the owner of the dog.
Speak with a Douglasville Dog Injury Lawyer Today
As soon as possible after the attack, contact a personal injury lawyer to discuss the incident. Let your lawyer know that you sought medical attention and reported the incident to the animal control department. Provide your attorney with any evidence you may have collected, and keep him or her updated on the status of your health and financial losses.
Take the first step towards receiving the personal injury compensation you deserve. Our dog bite attorneys in Douglasville Georgia understand Georgia laws around dog bites and animal attacks, and we are ready to help you with your case. Contact the law firm of Sherrod & Bernard, P.C., personal injury attorneys at 770-920-8350 today to set up your free initial consultation. A Douglasville dog bite lawyer can help you get compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, emotional trauma, and even pain and suffering.
Visit our Dog Bite Injury Law Offices