Douglasville Child Injury Lawyer

Child injuries are particularly upsetting since children are our most innocent and vulnerable members of society. While there is no way to prevent all childhood accidents, it is important for parents, teachers, and other caregivers to do everything they possibly can to keep kids reasonably safe from harm. When adults do not take this duty seriously, children may suffer serious trauma that can affect them for the rest of their lives.
If your child has been injured due to someone else’s negligent conduct, you want to hold the parties accountable. With more than 85 years of combined experience, the Douglasville child injury lawyers at the firm of Sherrod & Bernard. P.C., know how to fight for what you deserve. Your child may need medical care for many years after a serious accident. We have helped our clients recover extensive compensation to meet their expenses. Let a caring personal injury attorney focus on your legal needs while you focus on your child. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.
What Are Some Causes of Child Injuries?
Unfortunately, childhood injuries can happen anytime and anywhere. Some of the most common ways children suffer serious injuries include:
- Car accidents — Car accidents are especially dangerous for children because their bodies are more susceptible to the strain a crash can cause. An accident that might leave an adult with minor injuries can inflict serious damage on a child.
- School bus accidents — School buses often lack basic safety features like seat belts, which means children inside are not always well protected in a crash. Additionally, school bus drivers sometimes cause accidents if they are tired, distracted, impaired by drugs or alcohol, or otherwise negligent.
- Animal attacks — Children sometimes have trouble distinguishing friendly animals from harmful ones. Also, they may not see or be able to read warning signs on someone’s property. If a child gets too close to a dangerous dog, cat, or other animal, they might get bitten or sustain other injuries.
- Dangerous toys or other household products — Toys with small parts are a major choking hazard for young children. Children can also suffer serious injuries by accidentally consuming potentially poisonous household cleaners or other chemicals.
- Drowning accidents — Parents and other adults need to be especially watchful when children are around swimming pools or other bodies of water. Young children can drown in water that’s only a few inches deep. Children can also tumble into the water by accident if nobody is looking.
- Choking, strangulation, or suffocation hazards — Small children have been known to choke on small toys or food, so adults should keep a close eye on anything that’s within a child’s reach. It’s also possible for children to suffocate if they are placed on their chest when they are put to sleep, or if a pillow ends up covering their face. Similarly, children sometimes suffocate after becoming entangled in cords from window blinds or similar objects.
- Falls — Young children can sustain major injuries from falls, no matter how inconsequential the height may seem. Common causes of fall injuries among children include tumbling down stairs, falling from windows or balconies, toppling from furniture, and falling while being carried.
- Burns — Very young children are naturally curious and like to touch or taste anything in their reach. If adults aren’t watching carefully, children can be burned by hot drinks, pots and pans on a stove, scalding bath water, radiators, heated towel rails, curling irons, and other objects.
Child Injuries and Deaths Due to Unstable Furniture
A common cause of child injuries and deaths is unstable furniture. If a child climbs onto or inside an unstable piece of furniture, it can tip over, causing it to crush the child or lead to other tragic injuries.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that over a recent three-year period, an average of 25,500 people each year needed treatment at an ER for injuries related to furniture tipping over. The CPSC said that about 44 percent of these injuries every year, or about 11,300 people, were children under age 18. Furthermore, the CPSC reported that of the 571 reported deaths involving tip-over accidents during the last two decades, roughly 82 percent of those deaths (469 people) were children under age 15.
What Are Some Examples of Daycare Injuries and Their Causes?
An accident at a daycare facility is something every working parent dreads. Some of the primary ways children are injured at daycares include:
- Falls from playground equipment or other objects
- Bruises, broken bones, and other injuries resulting from children playing too roughly
- Choking on toys or other objects
- Ingesting poisonous substances
- Slip-and-fall accidents due to spilled liquids or other hazards
- Burn injuries from hot objects or scalding liquids, often due to a lack of proper supervision
Who is Responsible for a Daycare Injury?
When your child is at a daycare facility, the adults who run the facility and supervise the children are responsible for your child’s care. We expect daycare facilities to properly supervise and take care of the children in their charge. If your child was injured at a daycare, you may be able to hold the daycare responsible for your child’s injuries.
Additionally, children are sometimes injured by other kids at daycare. If your child was hurt by another child at a daycare, the other child’s parents could be partly liable for your child’s injuries. For more information on who may be liable for your child’s injuries at a daycare, talk to a child injury lawyer.
Contact Our Child Injury Lawyers in Douglasville, GA Today
Children deserve to be properly protected at home, school, and daycare facilities. If your child suffered a major injury, you may be facing severe stress and hardships. The Douglasville child injury lawyers at the law firm of Sherrod & Bernard, P.C., want to support you and help hold the liable parties accountable for their negligence. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.
Visit Our Child Injury Law Offices