Sherrod and Bernard, a West Georgia Law Firm located in Douglasville, collaborated with J. Collins Funeral Home in Villa Rica and Jones Bar-B-Q in Temple to provide lunches last Wednesday for all of the medical staff at Tanner Medical Center in Villa Rica who are on the front lines in the fight against Covid-19. Law firm marketing coordinator, Lauren Sitton said, “Our team at Sherrod and Bernard wanted to express our appreciation to all of those who are working tireless hours during this pandemic. The healthcare heroes on the forefront are doing everything they can and we are thankful for it.”
Jones Bar-B-Q prepared 200 meals that fed the hospital workers. Jay Collins of J. Collins Funeral Home added, “It’s so important to come together and show our appreciation at a time like this.”
Tanner Medical Center received the food gratefully as the hospital staff has worked relentlessly in recent weeks.