Year: 2014

When a loved one suffers a wrongful death in Douglasville, financial problems add insult to injury. Despite the grief, families must deal with the exorbitant expenses associated with a funeral and memorial service. In addition to the thousands of dollars it can cost to bury a loved one, families…

Did you know that texting while driving makes you 23 times more likely to be involved in a car accident? Distracted driving is dangerous driving, and studies have shown that texting is one of the most dangerous distractions of them all. Both teenage and adult drivers admit to composing, sending,…

In our workers’ compensation practice, we often hear this question from injured workers. In fact, many clients are dissatisfied because typically the disability check is substantially less than a worker’s regular wages. In Georgia, workers’ compensation pays the totally disabled worker two-thirds (2/3) of his or her average…

Ice on the roadway is a dangerous combination. In the south, it is such a rare event that is even more dangerous. Local governments are simply not prepared nor adequately equipped to handle road maintenance. Likewise, many motorists are not accustomed to driving in these treacherous conditions. Compounding…