There are many steps you can take to reduce your risk of a collision. For example, you should continually monitor the traffic around you, follow the rules of the road, and avoid distracted driving. Unfortunately, not all accidents are preventable, since you cannot control the reckless behavior of other drivers. There are a few simple things you can do to improve your chances of surviving the crash and avoiding serious injuries, such as severe whiplash injuries. Remember to consult auto accident attorneys in Douglasville, GA, if you are involved in a collision. Your car accident lawyer can thoroughly investigate the crash to develop a case against the other driver.
Wear Your Seatbelt Properly
Wearing your seatbelt is one of the most effective ways to reduce your risk of death and serious injury from a car crash. In fact, your car accident lawyer may ask you if were wearing your seatbelt at the time of the collision. Wearing your seatbelt properly will give you the best protection. Make sure your lap belt is across your lap, not your abdomen. This is particularly important for women who are pregnant. The shoulder belt should lie across your upper torso and shoulder, not your neck.
Adjust Your Headrest
One of the most common injuries a car accident attorney sees in clients is whiplash, which develops when the soft tissues of the neck are hyperextended. You can reduce your risk of suffering severe whiplash by adjusting the headrest if needed. The top of the headrest should be level with the top of your head. After adjusting it, make sure it is locked into position.
Maintain a Short Backset
The backset refers to the distance from the headrest to the back of your head. Ideally, this distance should be two inches or less. A greater backset than this can increase the risk of severe neck injuries because it interferes with the ability of the headrest to protect you.
Be Mindful of Airbag Deployment Areas
Airbags are an essential safety feature in cars. However, the force with which they are deployed can result in serious injuries. You can reduce your risk of suffering an airbag injury by adjusting your seat so that you are at least 10 inches away from the steering wheel. If you are in the passenger seat, avoid propping your feet on the dashboard.