Legal Blog

Did you know that texting while driving makes you 23 times more likely to be involved in a car accident? Distracted driving is dangerous driving, and studies have shown that texting is one of the most dangerous distractions of them all. Both teenage and adult drivers admit to composing, sending,…

In our workers’ compensation practice, we often hear this question from injured workers. In fact, many clients are dissatisfied because typically the disability check is substantially less than a worker’s regular wages. In Georgia, workers’ compensation pays the totally disabled worker two-thirds (2/3) of his or her average…

Ice on the roadway is a dangerous combination. In the south, it is such a rare event that is even more dangerous. Local governments are simply not prepared nor adequately equipped to handle road maintenance. Likewise, many motorists are not accustomed to driving in these treacherous conditions. Compounding…

A deposition is a formal, pre-trial oral testimony taken through the asking and answering of questions. It is common to be called on to give testimony in the form of a deposition when you bring a lawsuit for personal injury, wrongful death or otherwise. Our firm represents clients being…

After being injured in an automobile accident, you receive a call from an insurance adjuster wanting to get your side of the story. Unbeknownst to you, the insurance company may be doing more than recording your statement. They may be using 60’s military technology to analyze your voice patterns….

Distracted drivers are a major problem on our roadways. With the increased use of handheld devices by motorists, the chances of being involved in a car collision has never been greater. Daily, our firm sees victims injured due to the carelessness of another driver. The notion that the careless…

In our law practice, most workers’ compensation cases result in a settlement. There, however, is no requirement that a case be settled. Instead, it is a voluntary process that both the employer and injured worker must agree to enter. After a tentative settlement, The State Board of Workers’ Compensation must…

Celebrate safely by using a DD or taxi…Happy New Year!

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, one person passed away this morning after a wreck between an SUV and school bus. The accident happened in DeKalb County, Georgia. A spokesperson with the DeKalb Police Department stated the school bus was stopped at the intersection of Panthersville and Oakvale road, when an SUV approached…

Date: Friday, March 9, 2012 Location: Douglas County, Georgia According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, a fatal auto accident occurred on Interstate 20 eastbound near Lee Road in Douglas County early this morning. A spokesperson for the Georgia Department of Transportation stated a vehicle ran off the roadway and struck…