Case Results

Truck Accident
Lumber truck rear ended client at low speed causing a permanent disabling spine injury.
Car Accident
Client was struck head-on by a distracted driver fracturing his sternum exacerbating his COPD. The case settled pre-suit for all available insurance.
Personal Injury
Client sustained a permanent spinal cord injury at a neighborhood party when he was knocked down in a sumo wrestler costume that lacked adequate warnings and headgear protection.
Car Accident
Pedestrian struck while in crosswalk by driver not paying attention. Pedestrian sustained severe injury to the foot which required reconstructive surgery.
Defective Products
Client suffered a heart attack which was shown to be causally related to her long term use of the drug Vioxx.
Car Accident
Teenage passenger suffered fractured pelvis in rollover when driver over-corrected after traveling off road-bed into shoulder.
Personal Injury
Restaurant employee spilled hot soup onto face and torso of young child resulting in third degree burns requiring multiple skin grafts and plastic surgery. Structured settlement will have a payout worth over $1,000,000.00.
Car Accident
Client hired us after being previously represented by a “billboard” lawyer. Client suffered serious injuries to her neck and back when rear ended.
Car Accident
Client sustained serious injuries after being hit head on by teenage driver.
Workers’ Compensation
Client slipped on an assembly line job injuring her knee and low back requiring multiple surgeries. The settlement also included that the employer fund the sum of $628,000.00 toward future medical care. Client also received all workers’ compensation benefits due prior to settlement.