What is a wrongful death case? | Sherrod & Bernard, P.C.

When a loved one is killed due to someone else's wrongdoing, the deceased person's family and estate are entitled compensation under Georgia law. It is important to know there are two different kinds of death claims.

The first is a death claim itself usually by the surviving spouse or next of kin for the full value of decedent's life. The second type of death claim is the estate claim.

Usually, consist of post-accident medical bills, doctor, and hospital bills, ambulance bills, and burial expenses. We know from experience that death claims are very emotional for the surviving family. While you are grieving, there is a lot of moving parts.

Let Sherrod & Bernard handle the complicated legal issues surrounding a wrongful death case, so you can be when your family and help start restoring your life.
Sherrod & Bernard, P.C. - Personal Injury Lawyers in Douglasville
8470 Price Ave
Douglasville, GA 30134
Phone: (770) 920 - 8350

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