Villa Rica Truck Accident Lawyer

Semi-trucks weigh approximately 20 to 30 times more than your average car, and, as a result, the force of impact in a truck collision can be devastating. Victims of truck accidents often suffer severe and catastrophic injuries and experience serious financial hardship as a result of medical bills and lost income.

If you are the victim of a truck accident in Villa Rica, it’s crucial that you have an experienced truck accident attorney to help you pursue the compensation you need. Commercial truck accidents present complicated questions of liability. It’s not uncommon for multiple parties including the truck driver, the trucking company, and the cargo shipper to be partly liable.

At Sherrod & Bernard, P.C., we’ve been fighting for the rights of truck accident victims in Villa Rica and the rest of West Georgia since 1992. Our law firm has the resources and skills needed to gather comprehensive evidence and build a strong case on your behalf. Contact us today for a free consultation. We’re ready to review your rights and options.


What Are the Leading Causes for Trucking Accidents in Villa Rica?

Many of the same factors that contribute to car accidents cause large truck accidents. But some causes of truck accidents are unique to these massive vehicles. Some of the most common causes of truck crashes include:

  • Distracted driving – When truckers get distracted while driving, dangerous accidents can occur. Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of traffic-related accidents in the United States. Examples of distracted driving include talking on a cell phone, looking at a map, eating and drinking, or adjusting the radio.
  • Speeding – Because truck drivers have delivery deadlines to meet, they frequently exceed the posted speed limits. The faster a large truck is going, the more distance it requires to stop. Excessive speed is a common cause of truck crashes.
  • Reckless driving –Truck drivers often follow other vehicles too closely, which can lead to rear-end collisions if traffic slows or stops unexpectedly. Many truckers worry they will lose their jobs if they do not make their deliveries on time. Pressure to meet delivery deadlines is a major contributing factor to tailgating, speeding, and other types of reckless driving.
  • Driver fatigue – Truckers spend many hours on the road for days at a time. This makes truckers more vulnerable to driving fatigue and highway hypnosis. A dangerously fatigued driver may fail to notice traffic hazards obstructions in the road or even fail to recognize that other vehicles have stopped ahead
  • Poor truck maintenance – When trucking companies neglect to properly inspect and service their vehicles, mechanical failures can lead to serious accidents.
  • Cargo loading failure – When cargo loaders fail to secure cargo, and it falls into the road, catastrophic crashes can occur. Cargo that is improperly loaded and secure can shift in transit and cause a truck driver to lose control of the vehicle.
  • Truck part defects – Sometimes, defective truck parts such as brakes or tires cause accidents, in which case the manufacturers may be responsible for compensating victims of the accident.

How Are Truck Accidents Different from Car Accidents?

Accidents involving commercial trucks tend to cause more damage and serious injuries due to the weight of the truck and the force of the impact when a truck collides with a smaller vehicle. There are a number of factors that make truck accidents unique:

  • More severe injuries – Truck accidents often leave victims with injuries that are particularly severe due to the impact of the crash. Victims may suffer traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, fractured bones, internal organ damage, and more. Sometimes, truck accidents cause fatal injuries.
  • Greater financial losses – Because of the serious injuries that tend to result from truck accidents, victims are often faced with extensive medical bills as a result of hospital stays and prolonged treatment. Victims may be unable to return to work for an extended length of time.
  • Larger insurance policies – Commercial truck drivers and trucking companies are required to carry higher amounts of insurance than typical car insurance policies. That means more money is at stake after a serious truck accident and trucking companies will fight hard to shift the blame and avoid liability after an accident.
  • Multiple liable parties – Multiple companies are involved in the operation and functionality of semi-trucks, including truck drivers, trucking companies, cargo loaders, and more. They may share responsibility after an accident.

Who Can Be Responsible in a Villa Rica Truck Accident?

Truck and car accident happening along the road.Unlike regular car accidents in which one driver is typically at fault, there are often multiple liable parties that may be liable in trucking accidents. They include:

Truck Drivers

Whether a driver was speeding, driving while distracted, or engaged in other reckless behavior, commercial truck drivers may be held responsible if their negligence causes an accident.

Semi-Truck Carriers

The truck company that employs the driver can be held vicariously liable for the actions of employees or if the driver was acting within the scope of his duties when the accident occurred. Trucking companies also may be responsible if the company hired an unqualified driver or failed to take off the road an unsafe driver.

Cargo Loaders

If a truck’s cargo is not properly loaded or secured, it could potentially fall off the truck and cause an accident. Unbalanced or overweight cargo can shift the center of balance in the truck and cause the truck driver to lose control. The vendor that loaded the truck may be at fault.

Other Vendors

If the trucking company hired a third party to perform maintenance and repairs on a truck, and an accident occurs because the vendor failed in their duties, then the vendor may be held liable.

Sometimes, truck companies use leased trucks. If the court finds that a truck leasing company failed to inspect the truck or perform regular maintenance and an accident occurred, then the truck leasing company could be held responsible.

Tractor Trailer Part Defects

There are occasions when a defective truck part causes an accident. If that occurs, then the manufacturer of the defective part could be held liable for the accident.

What Should You Do After a Semi-Truck Crash?

Navigating the claims process after a truck accident can be overwhelming. Following these steps after a truck accident will help protect your right to compensation:

  • Seek medical attention – Obtaining medical care as soon as possible after an accident is crucial. Truck accidents can cause life-threatening injuries. Seeing a physician will create medical records that will help link your injuries to the truck accident.
  • Follow the doctor’s treatment plan – Be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations for care and attend all of your scheduled appointments. This will help show that you’re doing everything you can to recover.
  • Gather documentation – Gather any documentation you have related to the accident and your losses, such as the police report, photo and video evidence from the scene of the accident, medical records, and banking records.
  • Avoid posting on social media – Your social media posts could be leveraged by insurance companies to discredit your claim.
  • Consult with an attorney – A Villa Rica truck accident attorney can help you evaluate your legal options and the proper steps to move forward after a serious accident.

What is the Statute of Limitations for a Truck Accident Claim in Georgia?

The state of Georgia sets a two-year Statute of Limitations, or time limit, on personal injury claims. Should you wait until after that two-year span to file your claim, you will have lost your chance to do so.

Talk to a Truck Accident Lawyer in Villa Rica, GA Today

If you have been injured in a truck accident in Villa Rica or elsewhere in Georgia, you need the experienced attorneys at Sherrod & Bernard, P.C., to guide you through the claims process. We will work hard to investigate your accident claim and build a case for full and fair compensation. Contact us today for a consultation.

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